Join us on Thursday, 10th & 17th October as we learn with Lady Jeanne Galway. If you are an Adult Learner who would love to further your studies, these sessions will be perfect for you.
On 10th October, 7pm - 8.30pm (CET) we will be working on Tone Development. Your sound...developing, understanding, enjoying.
How do we develop our tone? What are we listening for?
Movement of embouchure…. Sonoritè. Creating that very special magic when playing form note to note. Keeping our beautiful tone through leaps and jumps and what about when we add our tongue?
In this session we shall focus on these questions in your playing. In addition, Lady Galway shall explain and show you just how you can develop your ability to listen and play a sound which is uniquely yours.
On 17th October, 7pm - 8.30pm (CET) we will be working on Tonguing and Repertoire. Putting it all together with clarity and ease.
Struggling with notes? Do those black busy bits in the music set off a panic inside?
Let’s walk through these dilemmas that stop us from feeling confident and secure in our playing.
There is a very simple way to get ourselves set in a new way of approaching challanging situations.
In this session we shall work methodically on the techniques that will bring clarity to your playing.
This session will be recorded and available to view until 30th November 2024.